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Jeep Tops to See You through the Winter

Jeep Tops to See You through the Winter

If skiing, sledding, and snow days were an integral part of your upbringing, then you understand the importance of hard Jeep tops when that first snowfall hits. Once you hit a certain temperature, soft Jeep tops just don't cut it anymore. They're not as heavy-duty as hardtops and you'll find yourself bundling up in your heaviest coat just to stay warm enough so your hands don't freeze to the steering wheel. Here are just a few of the benefits that come with hard Jeep tops.


To start off, hard Jeep tops are made of a thicker, stronger material than the fabric of Jeep soft tops. This denser material makes it harder for cool air to penetrate, and it keeps the warm air in. Of course the same goes for keeping rain and snow out. No matter how heavy-duty it is, fabric will still soak through at some point. Hard Jeep tops won't let that happen; snow stays on the outside where it belongs, because these Jeep tops can hold thousands of pounds of snow.


With some soft Jeep tops you can get the option for a flip back sunroof. 2-piece Jeep hard tops take it one step further and allow you to actually remove an entire portion of the Jeep top. The back half stays on, maintaining protection for the back half of the cab. The front half can be removed and stored in an optional roof rack that attaches to the back half of the Jeep top, giving you that breath of fresh air. This is a great option because you can change things out at a moment's notice if you suddenly get some nicer weather and want to enjoy it.

Bonus Features

Jeep soft tops are a great option for more temperate climates because they're basic; you get a fabric overhang to protect you and your Jeep from lighter annoyances. Hard Jeep tops come with a slew of extra features to make your ride as comfortable as possible in more severe environments.

  • Rear Window Defrosters – When combating snow and ice on a daily basis, seeing outside your Jeep can become a real test without the right equipment. Hard Jeep tops make this a little easier by providing rear window defrosters to help melt away that ice, snow, and fog so you can see clearly out the back of your Jeep.
  • Mesh Pockets – Because hard Jeep tops are made of a stronger material, they'll hold up to the weight of extra storage. Mesh pockets are placed in various areas of the interior so that you can store anything from a garage door opener to emergency flashlights to CDs/an iPod for the road.
  • Dome Light – Jeep soft tops are made of a lighter material that won't support wiring. But if you upgrade to a hardtop, you can get a dome light that will allow you to see inside your Jeep with ease.
  • UV Resistance – Fabric can only be protected from fading and stretching so much. But with a molded-in gel coat, hard Jeep tops are built to minimize fading from UV damage and maintain the original color of the top.
  • Rear Vents – Soft Jeep tops allow extra airflow in all the wrong ways. Namely, if you get shoddy craftsmanship then air will leak through at various points when you don't want it to. With hardtops, you get rear vents that allow you to control the airflow.

If you live in an environment where you don't have to deal with drastic changes between seasons, Jeep soft tops will always be a good choice. But with all of these extra features, it's easy to see what a necessity hard Jeep tops are in colder, harsher weather.

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